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Percy Bysshe Shelley
Nachgelassene Gedichte

Posthumous Poems is a poetry collection of the works of Percy Bysshe Shelley, which includes poet’s last unfinished work “The Triumph of Life”. It was published by his widow Mary Shelley in 1824, two years after Shelley died tragically at sea.

The translation of Mary Shelley's introduction into German was written spontaneously over a series of several weeks in the fall of 2023 and later polished. The excerpt from P. B. Shelley's final work has been rendered directly rather than with the aim of imitating the terza rima rhyme form. Special emphasis has been placed on Shelley's precise word choice by theme. In this excerpt, the poetic narrator's describes his experience of the magnificent ritual of the breaking day before being overcome by a vision.


Aus "De[m] Triumph des Lebens"

I would like to thank German instructor and experienced literary translator Diana Schnell for her insightful feedback on my German translations of this introduction and excerpt and the previous poem by Lord Byron during our revision and editing sessions. 

Stages of Translation with Notes on the Objectives

wird in den nächsten Wochen verfügbar sein.

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