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Comparing Dialogues

Caibidil 1 - Fáilte go Camelot

Back translations are not literal, as this would render them illogical or unreadable. 


Back Translation


An Dragan Mór

The Great Dragon

Níl a fhios againn cén chinniúint go bhfuil againnse féin. Ní féidir linn léamh cad go mbeidh i ndán dúinn, is cuma cé mhór go mbeidh ár bpáirt sa scéal. Go mairimid agus go bhfoghlaimímid chomh maith le gach duine eile.

We do not know what destiny is our own. We cannot read what the poems will say about us, no matter how great our part in the story will be. We must live and learn along with everyone else.

No young man, no matter how great, can know his destiny. He cannot glimpse his part in the great story that is about to unfold. Like everyone, he must live and learn.

     Inseoidh mé an scéal céanna daoibh faoi mórdraoi óg a bheidh ag teacht ar na ngeataí Chamelot ar ball beag. Is é an t-ainm atá air Merlin agus buachaill a bhunóidh seanchas atá ann.

I will tell you a similar story about a young warlock who will shortly be arriving at the the gates of Camelot. His name is Merlin and he's a boy that will father a legend.

  And so it will be for the young warlock arriving at the gates of Camelot, a boy that will in time father a legend. His name: Merlin.

❖ ❖ ❖   AN BÁSÚ - THE EXECUTION   ❖ ❖ ❖


Foghlaimímis as seo. Breithnítear go bhfuil an fear seo, Thomas James Collins, ciontach as comhcheilg draíocht agus geis a úsáid.

Let us learn from this. This man, Thomas James Collins, is adjudged guilty of the conspiracy of practising magic and enchantment.

Let this serve as a lesson to all. This man, Thomas James Collins, is adjudged guilty of conspiring to use enchantments and magic ... 

  De réir dlí Chamelot, fógraímse, Uther Pendragon, le fada an lá, go gcuirfear chun báis duine ar bith a chleachtaíonn draíocht. Is rí cothrom macánta mé, agus iontach bródúil as, ach nuair is asarlaíocht atá i gceist, ní ghearrfaidh mé ach pionós amháin.

   According to the laws of Camelot, I, Uther Pendragon, have long since decreed that I would put to death anyone who practises magic. I am a fair and just king, a thing I am proud of, but as for the matter of sorcery, there is but one sentence I can pass.

and, pursuant to the laws of Camelot, I, Uther Pendragon, have decreed that such practices are banned on penalty of death.

   I pride myself as a fair and just king, but for the crime of sorcery, there is but one sentence I can pass.

   Nuair a tháinig mé go dtí an tír seo, bhí an ríocht ina cíor thuathail. Ach le cabhair mhuintir na cathrach agus na tuaithe, díbríodh draíocht as an ríocht. Mar sin de, fógraím féile chun gabháil an dragain mhóir agus an díbirt draíochta as Camelot, a tharla fiche bliain ó shin, a cheiliúradh.

Go dtosaí an ceiliúradh!

   When I came to this land, the kingdom was in chaos. But with the help of the city and country folk magic was expelled from the kingdom. Therefore, I proclaim a festival in order to celebrate the capture of the great dragon and the expulsion of magic from Camelot that happened 20 years ago.

Let the celebrations begin!

   When I came to this land, this kingdom was mired in chaos, but, with the people’s help, magic was driven from the realm. So I declare a festival to celebrate 20 years since the great dragon was captured, and Camelot freed from the evil of sorcery.

Let the celebrations begin!



Buahhh! Níl ach drochrud amháin atá ann sa tír seo agus ní draíocht atá i gceist agam. Tú féin atá ann! Mharaigh tú mo mhac de dheasca d’fhuath is do neamheolas.

Buahhh! There is but one evil in this land and it is not magic. It is you yourself! You killed my son with your hatred and your ignorance.

[Wails.] There is only one evil in this land, and it is not magic! It is you! With your hatred and your ignorance, you took my son.

   Geallaim duit: Sula gcríochnóidh na féilte beidh tú féin ag caoineadh fosta. Ghlac tú mo chroí, m’áthas, is mo mhac uaim, agus déanfaidh mé rud éigin níos measa ortsa!

   I swear to you. Before the celebrations are over you yourself will be in mourning. You took my heart, my joy, and my son from me, and I will do you far worse.

   I promise you, before the celebrations are over, you will share my tears. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a son for a son!


Gabhaigí í!

Seize her!

Seize her!



An bhfuil a fhios agaibh cá bhfuil Gaius? Is lia na cúirte é.

Do you know where Gaius is? He’s the Court Physician.

Where would I find Gaius, the–the Court Physician?



Thuas na staighre.

Up the stairs.



Haigh, a Ghaius?

Hello, Gaius?

Hello? Hello? Gaius? Ahem!


Á! Cén fáth – cad a rinne tú anois beag?

Ah! Why – What did you do just now?

Whoa! Ah-oooh! I – What did you just do?


Bhuel ...

Well ...

Um ...


Abair liom!

Tell me!

Tell me!


Cogar, níl cliú agam faoi é sin.

Listen, I have no idea about that.

Well, I–I have no idea what happened.


Dá bhfeicfeadh duine ar bith é sin—

If anyone at all had seen that—

If anyone had seen that—


Ní raibh sé sin i mo chumhacht. Ní raibh sé ach – ach—

That wasn’t in my power. It was just – just—

Oh, no, that—that was nothing to do with me. That – that was—


Tuigim cad a bhí sé. Ba mhaith liom tuilleadh eolais cár fhoghlaim tú é.

I know what it was. I simply want to know where you learned it.

I know what it was. I just want to know where you learned how to do it.


Áit ar bith.




Mar sin, cén fáth a bhfuil eolas draíochta agat?

So why is it you’ve got knowledge of magic?

So how is it you know magic?


Níl sé agam.

I haven’t.

I don’t!


Cén áit a rinne tú staidéar uirthi? Freagair an cheist!

Where did you study it? Answer the question!

Where did you study? Answer me!


N–Níl draíocht foghlamtha agam agus níor mhúineadh mé.

I–I’ve never learnt magic or been taught.

I–I’ve never studied magic or been taught.


An bhfuil tú ag insint breága dom, a bhuachaill?

Are you telling me a lie, boy?

Are you lying to me, boy?


Cad is chóir dom a rá leat?

What should I say to you?

What do you want me to say?


An fhírinne.

The truth.

The truth.


Rugadh mé le draíocht.

I was born with magic.

I was born like this.


Dodhéanta! Cé túsa?

That’s impossible. Who are you?

That’s impossible. Who are you?


Gabh i leith – tá an litir seo agam. Sin é.

Hang on – I have this letter. There it is.

Oh, um ... I have this letter. There.


N–Níl mo spéaclaí agamsa.

I–I don’t have my glasses.

I–I don’t have my glasses.


Is mise Merlin.

I’m Merlin.

I’m Merlin.


An mac Hunith thú?

You’re Hunith’s son?

Hunith’s son!


Is mé.

I am.



Is cheart duit a shroicheadh Camelot Dé Céadaoin.

But you ought to arrive in Camelot on Wednesday.

But you’re not meant to be here till Wednesday.


Inniu an Chéadaoin.

Today’s Wednesday.

It is Wednesday.


Is fíor é sin. Ba chóir duit do mhála a chur ansin sa seomra breise.

That’s true. You ought to put your bag in the spare room there.

Ahh. Right then, you’d better put your bag in there.


Agus ní dhéarfaidh tú rud ar bith faoi mo chuid, bhuel ...

And you won’t say anything about my gift of, well ...

Oh, you won’t say anything about ... um ...


Ní dhéarfaidh mé ach rud amháin leat, a Mherlin, agus caithfaidh mé a rá leat go raibh maith agat.

No, although there is one thing I must say to you, Merlin, and that’s thank you.

No. Although Merlin … I should say thank you.



Gaius, a chara,

   Tá mé ag scríobh duit ach tá mo bhealach caillte agam, táim i m’aonar agus níl a fhios agam cé a bheadh muinín agam as. Is dual do ghach mháthair a thuiscint go raibh a páistí suaithinseach i lár slua aici. Ach gheobhainn bás go chaithfeadh Merlin saol simplí.

My dear Gaius,

   I am writing to you because I have lost my way, I’m alone, and I don’t know who I can confide in. It is the fate of every mother to think that her child would stand out from the crowd. Yet I would die so that Merlin could live a simple life.

My dear Gaius,

     I turn to you for I feel lost and alone, and don’t know who to trust. It is every mother’s fate to think her child is special, and yet I would give my life that Merlin were not so.

   Is as baile beag muidne agus tá Merlin agus go leor daoine ann in achrann le chéile. Má fhanann sé sa bhaile, tá eagla orm nuair atá mé ag smaoineamh faoi a dhual. Tá duine críonna ag teastáil uaidh, duine a chabhrú leis go gcuirfeadh tuiscint ar a nádúr féin air.

   We are from a small village and Merlin is at odds with many people here. I fear to think of his fate if he stays in the village. He needs someone wise, someone to help him come to understand his own nature.

Ours is a small village and he is so clearly at odds with people here that if he were to remain, I fear what would become of him. He needs a hand to hold, a voice to guide, someone that might help him find a purpose for his gifts.

  Ó mo chroí amach atá mé ag iarraidh go gcosnófá é agus go sábhála Dia sibh.

   From the bottom of my heart I hope that you will protect him and may God save you both.

   I beg you, if you understand a mother’s love for her son, keep him safe. And may God save you both.



A Mhorgana?








Cad atá á dhéanamh agat? Cén fáth nach bhfuil tú sa fleá linn?

What are you doing? Why aren't you with us at the feast?

What is this? Why are you not joining us at the feast?


Ní chuirim suim mór i bhfeasta tar éis a dícheannadh.

   An mháthair bhocht sin.

I don’t have much of an interest in celebrating after a beheading. That poor mother.

I just don’t think chopping someone’s head off is cause for a celebration. That poor mother.


Ba chóir fhoirfe é de bharr a choir.

It was simple justice for his crime.

It was simple justice for what he’d done.


Cén saghas coir a bhí ann? Bhain sé úsáid as dhraíocht éigin. Ní dhearna sé dochar do dhuine ar bith!

What crime was there? He practised some magic. He didn’t hurt anyone!

To whom? He practised some magic. He didn’t hurt anyone.


Ní raibh tú anseo fiche bliain ó shin. Níl a fhios agat cé chomh mór a bhí an bhagairt.

You weren’t here 20 years ago. You don’t know how great the threat was.

You were not around 20 years ago. You have no idea what it was like.


Cá fhad go mbeidh tú ag cur pionóis ar dhuine de bharr rudaí a rinneadh fadó?

How long will you punish people for things done long ago?

How long are you going to keep punishing people for what happened then?


Go thuigfidís níl spás don dhraíocht ar bith a bheith i mo ríocht. Beidh tú liom nuair a bheannóidh mé do Lady Helen.

Until they understand that there is no room for magic of any kind in my kingdom. You will be with me when I greet Lady Helen.

Until they realise there is no room for magic in my kingdom. You will be with me when I greet Lady Helen.


Dúirt mé leat ní ghlacfainn aon pháirt sa cheiliúradh seo—

I told you I won’t take part in these celebrations—

I told you I want no part of these celebrations—


Is do chaomhnóir mé! Déan na rudaí a n-iarraim ort. Mura léiríonn tú meas orm, tá súil agam go dtaispeáinfeá meas beag dár n-amhránaí is deise.

I am your guardian! Do what I ask of you. If you won’t show me respect, I hope you will at least respect our finest singer.

I am your guardian! I expect you to do as I ask. If you show me no respect, at least respect our finest singer.


Nach bhfuil a fhios agat, má tá tú brúidiúil, déanfaidh tú namhaid de do mhuintir féin?

Don’t you realise that by being brutal you will make an enemy of your own people?

You know, the more brutal you are, the more enemies you’ll create.

❖ ❖ ❖   SA CHOILL - IN THE FOREST   ❖ ❖ ❖

Lady Helen

An bhfuil tú ann, a Ghréagóir?

Are you there, Gregory?

Hello? Gregory?



Tá, a Lady Helen.

Yes, Lady Helen.

Lady Helen.

Lady Helen

An bhfuil gach rud maith go leor?

Is everything alright?

Is all well?


Tá, a bhean uasail. Má tá ádh linn, sroichfimid Camelot amárach san oíche.

Yes, ma’am. With luck we should reach Camelot tomorrow night.

Yes, ma’am. With luck, we should reach Camelot late tomorrow.

Lady Helen

Ceart go leor.

That’s good.

That’s good.


Má tá mé ag teastáil uait, beidh mé taoibh amuigh an phuball.

   Cé duine atá ann? Cé duine atá ann?

If you need me, I’ll be outside the tent.

   Who’s there? Who’s there?

I’ll be outside if you need me.

     Who’s there? Who’s There?

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Caibidil 2

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